S. Tucker Taft
S. Tucker Taft
The notion of exception handlers at multiple levels is common in languages that support exception handling, so I don't see a significant source of confusion arising from supporting multiple levels...
It might make more sense to treat the generic formals directly as aspects, rather than adding the "`Required =>`" part. Hence, you could write "with Feature_X" for a Boolean formal,...
FWIW, the list comprehension syntax does not match that provided by Ada 2022 "filters" -- filters use "when M.Alg = Request_Alg" rather than "if ...", hence "[for M in Maps...
Having transitions interspersed among other statements is simpler in one sense, but it certainly results in more complex overall control flow, with partial sets of effects executed within a state...
As an example of indenting/outdenting, I have seen the Ada "exit" statement outdented as follows: ``` loop Do_Something; exit when A > B; Do_More; end loop; ``` Something like this...
Not bad. It is unique! ;-) I would suggest making several examples, using "when", "for", and "given" and share them with a somewhat wider circle, and see if you get...