Santos Gallegos

Results 343 comments of Santos Gallegos

Just pointing that we already set up a `readthedocs` tag, because we have a custom builder, see

@potterwrit yes, you can submit a PR!

@akien-mga sorry for the confusion, these tags, are to _clasify_ the version, they are not sphinx tags. Also, we are removing those tags in the next release Maybe you...

@Lokesh2703 this issue is about sphinx tags, not tabs

> Should we try to contribute this upstream instead? If there are any improvements to the existing docs yeah, but we still need to document or put an example of...

> Why these migrations are run in both databases? In telemetry database we only need migrations from readthedocs.telemetry Only the migrations from the telemetry app are run, the others are...

> The verbose output of tox/pytest (tox -e py310 --verbose -- -vvv -s -k test_revoke_expired_invitation) shows the migrations are effectively run twice with the current configuration and you can see...

> Does Celery have a setting for the max size of the message that we can check? Didn't find a setting related to that

> @stsewd have you tested this locally to check the rendered template does fit on the Celery queue without problems? It works locally.

Another approach would be to change the notifications classes to pass the attributes of the object to be used in the context instead of the object itself, but that feels...