
Results 4 comments of striderxfossility

@asantibanez Please pull for quick solution in your composer.json change version to: ``"asantibanez/laravel-blade-sortable": "dev-laravel-9",`` and then add add the bottom: `` "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ]``

i can change the cameraComp, this will also effect the tppComp, but this is just a example i gave, some components are hidden and do not have a parent for...

Also there is a ``BUG`` in these components related to props. For example: ```lua local tpp = player:FindComponentByName("TPPRepresentation")) print(tpp.detachedObjectInfo[1].itemTDBID) -- prints "Items.PlayerFppHead" CName tpp.detachedObjectInfo[1].itemTDBID ="Items.PlayerWaTppHead") print(tpp.detachedObjectInfo[1].itemTDBID) -- Still prints...

yes good idea, i hide the comment.