
Results 8 issues of strich3

### Describe the new feature It's like the Sign Module but with Banners. Would love to see this in the Version 4! ### Why do you need this feature? I...

t: feature request
v: 4.X
in: module
p: low

## Description I want the new Items from Minecraft! :) ## Justification I think new items are a good idea! :) ## Alternative methods

Category: Core
Type: TODO

### Stacktrace _No response_ ### Actions to reproduce Wenn man austimed auf einem Server ist man noch immer in der Cloud als online registriert und kann somit nicht joinen bis...

t: bug
v: 4.X
s: more info needed

To report this error, please provide: Did not get expected response code, got 403 for at com.skcraft.launcher.util.HttpRequest.expectResponseCode( at at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.MicrosoftLoginService.performLogin( at com.skcraft.launcher.auth.MicrosoftLoginService.login( at com.skcraft.launcher.dialog.AccountSelectDialog.lambda$attemptMicrosoftLogin$7( at java.base/ at...

### What feature do you want to see added? I wanna have some kind of keepalive for nextcloud. When I upload large files I always get a 524 (A timeout)...


How can i save Custom Servers?

help wanted

Hey, I was using the mods that had portinglib included a while ago and it worked great with labymod. Sadly it seems to be broken with LabyMod and I can‘t...

It would be great to have 1.19 Support