Greg O'Lone
Greg O'Lone
Website says "You can place Elusive Icons icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix **fa** and the icon's name." Seems that this should be **el**.
The IndexedDB test uses a try-catch to test if indexedDB is available on window, but then does not wrap the call to the open method which fails. I've taken a...
When using your plugin on an Apple Silicon machine, I get an error that says **Unsupported plug-in** The extension "Sketch Image Compressor" is not compatible with your computer's CPU architecture....
Add method for exposing the prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden view controller method for MobileScreen.
When you first open a groovy file and get the warning that says: "CodeNarc linter doesn't like tabs, let's replace them by spaces ?" The options that are available are...