Va Da

Results 248 issues of Va Da

Create helpers for easily creating media queries. Example: -

Create an addon which works with CSS vars and observables, maybe something what JSS does:

Create `objstr` function, like here:

Create `gql` addon: -

Add `zoom` property to `Place` thing, to be able to specify map zoom level for Google maps, or Leaflet.js etc.

This is a proposal to formalize and document serialization formats for Re-playable Event Graphs (REGs). What are REGs? I am not an expert on REGs, but essentially it is a...

It is not clear under what license this repo can be used. A number of traces mention [CC-4.0](, but under other traces there is no mention of a license. Would...

The sequential traces are much easier to execute and hence create benchmarks where different libraries are compared. However, for the concurrent traces, first the trace needs to be converted to...