Va Da

Results 248 issues of Va Da

- [ ] Explore implementing rich-text move operation on top of RGA data structure. It could work by: (1) marking an RGA range as "hidden"; (2) inserting a marker into...

- [ ] Introduce a string slice concept, where a slice string refers to a range of a regular string.

- [ ] Implement rope string type. Rope is a string which consists of a list of slices of other strings.

- [ ] Figure out how to store `LogicaTimestamp` as a value in the view.

- [ ] Add JSON CRDT text split operation, where an RGA string can be split into two.

- [ ] A CBOR implementations, which uses tag 42 for wrapping CIDs.

- [ ] Should traverse through CBOR/MessagePack. - [ ] Should traverse through Content-Addressable data CIDs.

- [ ] Research serialization towards IPLD - [ ] Check IPLD Patch (which should work with JSON Patch) - [ ] Standartize and implement IPLD conforming serialization format for:...

Vendor necessary code from upstream dependencies. Consolidate all code in one `memfs` repo and discontinue auxiliary packages: - [ ] [unionfs]( - [ ] [fs-monkey]( - [ ] [linkfs]( -...


- [ ] Setup CI such that it runs Webpack demos from `demo/` folder. - [ ] Make sure there are no regressions in Webpack successfully building code for browser....