Va Da

Results 248 issues of Va Da

Format relative path for "at" lines like: ```shell at /Users/vd/dev/mol-fe-videoplayer/node_modules/react-test-renderer/lib/shallow/ReactCompositeComponent.js:793:21 ``` better and show code frames for them as well.

Don't use interactive terminal features like removing lines (showing progress) in non-interactive environments, like CI.

`Ran all test suites matching /test\/TapReporter.spec.js/i`

- show unused snapshots - show added snashots - deleted snaphosts. Also, when there are unused snapshots Jest exits with error, but we currently don't show any error and exit...

Also, show warning if test takes too long to run.

Create nice coverage reporter that outputs valid TAP and has nice progress bars.

In React components test suite paths often look like this: ```shell src/components/related/RelatedVideos/GridQuad/__tests__/index.spec.js ``` Here the important part is `/GridQuad/`, so highlight that, instead of `index.spec.js`.

For configuration show a better example.


Show code frames also for simple *at-lines*, like: ```shell at src/reducers/playlist.js:24:26 ```
