django-gcloud-storage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-gcloud-storage copied to clipboard

Django storage module implementation for Google Cloud Storage

Results 7 django-gcloud-storage issues
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change for new feature

with this change users can save files as Public

For some reason django-gcloud-storage needs Google SA credentials specifically stored in a file, which contracts the modern 12 factor approach where the apps/containers are stateless and everything is passed via...

help wanted

@Strayer hi, I was looking for a subdirectory option, but it seems it's not implemented in this package yet (related to #2) We have the following use-case: - Join `https://bucket_url/`...

help wanted

Use the caching feature of django core to cache urls. Using this feature we can create multi-day urls and keep them cached in whatever caching backend is configured. May only...

Details on commit message

help wanted