Aaron Straup Cope
Aaron Straup Cope
* https://github.com/github/renaming
@vicchi I think there is value in your approach, if only to understand better where the stress points are. Having a methodology, not to mention a toolchain, for defining the...
"...how would we manage the historic version versus the current version (of a county)" This is where the `wof:supersedes` and `wof:superseded_by` stuff comes in to play. The historic version never...
FYI: https://github.com/whosonfirst/py-mapzen-whosonfirst-hierarchy/releases/tag/v2.0.0
Sorry to take so long to wade in to this. A few quick observations: * The reason that the `wof:country` property exists alongside, and sometimes differs from, `iso:country` is precisely...
I can see the need for _something_ but I am hesitant to add another place type unless there's a way, conceptually, to ensure that it captures more than a single...
I am willing to punt on including postal codes in any decisions we make here. I think that deprecating the `microhood` place type in favour of `colloquial` is the best...
@kemalenver That's absolutely fantastic! Paging @RandomEtc to the courtesy Planetary phone.