Thanos Stratikopoulos
Thanos Stratikopoulos
> Does it mean no trigonometric function can be used currently on MacOs? We develop on MacOS and run on Linux so it would be nice to have a workaround...
> Yes, we see sin/cos work fine on Linux and all tests/benchmarks pass ok (see #145) with JDK17. Since we rely heavily on the trigonometric support it is an issue...
Can you print the kernel please, with `--printKernel`? The error that you get (```[CL_BUILD_ERROR] : OpenCL Build Error```) is because the OpenCL driver cannot compile the kernel. However, if the...
> I remembered OpenCL has been a dead-end for Macs (i.e. Yes, these are unfortunate news.
Hi @luisa01-code, that would be very nice. Feel free to open a PR, thank you.
Hi @vsilaev, can you be more specific in order to reproduce it. Are you building with both backends? Or only OpenCL? Also, can you verify that in the last commit...
hi @gsaxena888, this bug is still present. We have a unit-test that breaks: ```bash tornado -ea --printKernel --jvm "-Xmx6g -Dtornado.recover.bailout=False -Dtornado.unittests.verbose=True " -m tornado.unittests/ --params "" ``` I am wondering...
hi @PolyRocketMatt, can you please also provide the JDK version that you downloaded for your `JAVA_HOME`?
The JDK17 binary breaks in Windows. My guess is that the link pointing to the JDK17 is not compatible with the latest Graal 23.1.0 compiler update that we performed recently....
Hi @TaisZ, I think your example is by default not supported. A method that will be offloaded for hardware acceleration (e.g. divided) cannot contain traps or exceptions, since this is...