Just want to know if this feature is being considered? I think this is a very useful feature.
@vineetgoel No, I didn't use the feature associated with table, i used the kafka cloud service, and haven't found any issuses yet.
This bug is still there in driver 550.78
I am using Archlinux, [the instructions here](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA/Tips_and_tricks#Preserve_video_memory_after_suspend) solved my problem, I hope it will be useful to you.
@Costriod Hi, which grafana dashboard do you use?
同问, tun绑定的只有2个ip能用, fakeip range 通常是 ``.
I also have this question, but it seems that it is not supported yet.
@femouse 目前可以正式挖矿了么?还是测试