
Results 411 issues of str4d

> Being a bit of a devils advocate here: `main` also, seems to be `unsafe` since the caller is again required to provide a valid pointer. > > The same...

Currently the binaries in `tools/` use the text-based CLI over the serial port to communicate with a Flipper Zero and run FAPs. We should instead use the `start_rpc_session` CLI command...

Normal Rust binaries will initialize heap statics on start, and then essentially leak the memory. This works fine because the memory is cleaned up during process exit. We can't assume...

I propose that you package a "client" version of Nightweb (Android or desktop) where you drop router.jar from the app and don't run your own I2P router. Instead, allow the...


The desktop version of Nightweb is very nice, and good for new users, but for users who already run an I2P router there is no point in starting up a...

enhancement published a distinguisher for FF1 against binary numeral strings, that has a data complexity of $2^{2n((r-1)-\frac{1}{2}) - n}$ and a time complexity of $2^{2n((r-1)-\frac{1}{2})}$. FF1 has 10 rounds, corresponding...

I ran the command from the README on a Digital Ocean Docker image, and the image failed to start because `i2prouter` couldn't write to the volume. Initially this was as...

[YubiKeys with firmware 5.7.0 and above have support for X25519]( (thanks for making me aware of this). It should be possible to generate native age identities in PIV slots,...

Buildbot 0.9 replaced their ad-hoc API with a JSON-RPC REST interface. This PR adds support for transparently using the v2 API if available, and falling back to the v1 API....