@SandyPanda not yet
@SandyPanda is it the reason? #7
same error talked here [](url) but i'm not sure about DA_loss
i just fixed by adding `rpn_loss_cls = torch.unsqueeze(rpn_loss_cls, 0)` `rpn_loss_bbox = torch.unsqueeze(rpn_loss_bbox, 0)` `RCNN_loss_cls = torch.unsqueeze(RCNN_loss_cls, 0)` `RCNN_loss_bbox = torch.unsqueeze(RCNN_loss_bbox, 0)` `DA_img_loss_cls = torch.unsqueeze(DA_img_loss_cls, 0)` `DA_ins_loss_cls = torch.unsqueeze(DA_ins_loss_cls, 0)` `tgt_DA_img_loss_cls...
hi, you can use the python script here [](url) and split the trainval.txt into train_s.txt and train_t.txt hope it can help you
lambda=0.1 for loss lambda*alpha=0.01 for back propagation
Images train_s: leftImg8bit/train train_t: leftImg8bit_foggy/train test_t: leftImg8bit_foggy/val 3 classes, 'foggy_beta_0.02', totally 500 images Annotations gtFine/train+val i download dataset from cityscapes official web