Wolfgang W. Stoettner
Wolfgang W. Stoettner
Hi guoc, thanks for getting back. Please find an excerpt of the crash message below. I skipped the usually very lengthy crash thread. Hope this helps. Should you need more...
Hi guoc, found the issue. The error message ``` Application Specific Information: fatal error: /Users/stoettner/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/ED-annotation/Lind et al. - 2015 - Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics/Parameter A characteristic of...
Hi everyone, with the macOS version of UTM, I experience exact same phenomenon as @totalolage described. Neither spun-up own images nor any of the images in the [image gallery](https://mac.getutm.app/gallery/) have...
Sorry, here the crash excerpt. reg, wolf ----------------------- `Process: Preview [1400] Path: /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview Identifier: com.apple.Preview Version: 10.0 (944.1) Build Info: Preview-944001000000000~6 Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible:...