Stephan Petzl

Results 22 issues of Stephan Petzl

As long as I am staying in the same fragment the cache works perfectly fine. BUT as soon as I am switching the app to the background and then reloading...

Hi there, Looks like a great library. However, I did not find a licence in there. Is this usable for commercial projects?

As lined on StackOverflow [1], a parameter "fileUpload" has to be set to true, to enable fileUploads. As far as I see this is not implemented yet. [1]

Is this fork of opencv4nodejs context-aware by now? As stated in, Electron is not going to support non context-aware modules anymore.

**Describe the bug** When I change a string somewhere it seems that the babel plugin regenerates the all translation files. For example I added german translations to ./extractedTranslations/de/common.json, but those...

As part of our electron app, we ship a couple of external executables (exe files) that are usually distributed by google (android command line tools). I am not sure, but...

``` ➜ ~ /Applications/ rosetta error: /var/db/oah/279281322164224_279281322164224/5de65707e6cceff5895f40573cc253f5dd8f95ce142191a29439330661d9d026/MoviePrint_v004.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1 [1] 49428 trace trap /Applications/ ➜ ~ ```

Full log: ``` (base) PS D:\code\repeato-studio> npm i --save node-native-ocr > [email protected] install D:\code\repeato-studio\node_modules\node-native-ocr > npm run build-tesseract && node-gyp rebuild > [email protected] build-tesseract D:\code\repeato-studio\node_modules\node-native-ocr > node ./scripts/build-tesseract build-tesseract script...

node -v v14.18.1 node-gyp -v v5.1.0 ```C:\Users\steph\repeato-studio\node_modules\node-native-ocr\tesseract\src\ccstruct\points.h(98,24): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data [C:\Users\steph\repeato-studio\node_modules\node-native-ocr\tesseract\build\tesseract.vcxproj] tesseract.vcxproj -> C:\Users\steph\repeato-studio\node_modules\node-native-ocr\tesseract\build\bin\Release\tesseract.exe Building Custom Rule C:/Users/steph/repeato-studio/node_modules/node-native-ocr/tesseract/CMakeLists.txt Installing a Release...

## Requirements * [✅] This is Software as a Service not self hosted * [✅] It has a free tier not just a free trial * [✅] Pricing information is...