stockbsd'var CLeftTicketUrl = '(.*)'', result, re.M|re.I) 把字符串 外层的单引号改为 双引号,去掉\。
Twitter has some limits on his APIs , for example If we try to get up to 20000 tweets at once, maybe we will reach the limit.
exclude_replies/include_rts in the API parameters may cause the difference.
"reply tweet" or "retweet with comment " can cause difference if there is media in the reply and original one. can you give the user id or tweet id with...
1. twitter-dl.txt has several duplicate ids. loop it and twitter-dl --rts --video , download 55 files and skipping 60 times. 2. twitter-dl --video --rts -v -l 200 AngelOfGears . ,...