Matthew Stobbs
Matthew Stobbs
The health check keeps checking localhost:443 (where I have it running), which the certificates don't include for use. It works when using the proper service name, but fails for localhost....
Wondering if Hashicorp vault support will be implemented? I would be willing to help implement a rest-api caller for it, but my c is very rusty (like 20 years since...
The current implementation has a default value of `100%FREE`, but is using the `-L|--size` argument, which only allows physical sizes like `100G`. I would like to suggest changing the default...
When creating a volume group with multiple disks, it doesn't recognized using a ',' as a separator, it expects a ' ', an empty space. Tested on Rocky Linux 9.3...
Is there a reason the session chooser was stopped from being initialized? I've forked it and fixed up the html to make it show (although not as nicely as the...