Silvio Tisato

Results 7 comments of Silvio Tisato

Thanks for the clarification, I thought you wanted to modify grbl as you wrote in the readme. Nice to know a new version is coming soon, looking forward to it....

Having nim evaluate the code is an interesting idea, but the main reason I didn't implement that is graphs, as far as I know none of the plotting libraries work...

Hey! Sorry for not getting back to you, thanks for reporting a bug, I'll look into it. About the logo, nice work! What about using the crown instead of the...

Hey! Thanks for the comment. Jupyternim and inim work the same under the hood, or at least they did last time I checked. Neither implements hcl as it's still too...

Hey! Thanks for the report. Yeah, the nim-zmq package doesn't compile zmq, it's just to interface with the dll. Usually if you already have a jupyter installation, you should have...

Sorry, missed the notification. Interesting, I also have one jupyter install from miniconda and one from pip, both had the dll. Maybe yours didn't get added to path, so nim-zmq...

(my) jupyternim and inim are the same code, there was a naming conflict with so I renamed it. I agree it's due an update, but I have been pretty...