phalcon.eager-loading copied to clipboard
Relationship hasManyToMany eager fail when no elements.
On a hasManytoMany relationship it fails when one of the parent element does not have relationship:
On a model:
"element_id", "tag_id",
"id", array('alias' => 'tags')
When that parent model does not have TagsElements it does fail to fetch the relationship.
$parentModelResults = Loader::fromResultset($parentModelResults, [
'tags' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
$builder->where('App\Tag\Models\ElementTag.element_type = "parentModelType"');
Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception: Unknown model or alias 'App\Tag\Models\ElementTag' (1), when preparing: SELECT [App\Tag\Models\Tag].* FROM [App\Tag\Models\Tag] WHERE ([id] IN (:phi0:, :phi1:)) AND (App\Tag\Models\ElementTag.element_type = "playingfield")
That's because an extra query is needed to fetch the keys needed to relate tables.
I did not think about it because joining tables are mainly used to build a 'key to key relation' Do you have any suggestion about fixing that?