phalcon.eager-loading copied to clipboard
Solves N+1 query problem in Phalcon Model
This package provides eager-loading support for Phalcon 1.3.* - 2.0.*. Requires PHP 5.6, for PHP 5.3 support use php-5.3 branch
The usage is similar to Laravel, I've implemented in a trait with
and load
methods, so within a model that uses that trait (Sb\Framework\Mvc\Model\EagerLoadingTrait
) you can do:
use Sb\Framework\Mvc\Model\EagerLoading\Loader,
$robotsAndParts = Robot::with('Parts');
// Equivalent to:
$robots = Robot::find();
foreach ($robots as $robot) {
$robot->parts; // $robot->__get('parts')
// Or
$robot = Robot::findFirst()->load('Parts');
// Equivalent to:
$robot = Robot::findFirst();
$robots->parts; // $robot->__get('parts')
// Because Robot::find() returns a resultset, so in that case this is solved with:
$robots = Loader::fromResultset(Robot::find(), 'Parts'); # Equivalent to the second example
// Multiple and nested relations can be used too
$robots = Robot::with('Parts', 'Foo.Bar');
// And arguments can be passed to the find method
$robots = Robot::with('Parts', 'Foo.Bar', ['limit' => 5]);
// And constraints
$robots = Robot::with(
'Foo.Bar' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
// Limit Bar
'limit' => 5
// constraints with the Loader too
$robots = Loader::fromResultset(Robot::find(), [
'Foo.Bar' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
$builder->where(' > 10');
For more examples, return types etc visit the tests folder or take a look at the code, it's quite small.