TinymceBundle copied to clipboard
Bundle for connecting TinyMCE (WYSIWYG editor) to your Symfony2 project
I'm on SF 2.8 and I've installed without problem stfalcon/tinymce-bundle `composer require stfalcon/tinymce-bundle='1.0'` then in Kernel : `new Stfalcon\Bundle\TinymceBundle\StfalconTinymceBundle(), ` Install the assets `php app/console assets:install web/` i've set a...
Console: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setBaseAndExtent' on 'Selection': There is no child at offset 1. at k. (/bundles/stfalcontinymce/vendor/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js:8:2299) at t.r [as fire] (/bundles/stfalcontinymce/vendor/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js:6:24030) at k.fire (/bundles/stfalcontinymce/vendor/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js:8:9267) at f.i (/bundles/stfalcontinymce/vendor/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js:8:10332)...
I have the following config in my app/config/config.yml file ``` stfalcon_tinymce: theme: simple: plugins: "link image" height : "480" ``` The tinymce editor is picking up this config fine when...
Should this line use array_replace_recursive instead of array_merge_recursive ? ```php public function tinymceInit($options = array()) { $config = $this->getParameter('stfalcon_tinymce.config'); $config = array_merge_recursive($config, $options); ``` https://github.com/stfalcon/TinymceBundle/blob/master/Twig/Extension/StfalconTinymceExtension.php#L88 Thank you and apologize if...
Issue is caused by the Twig extension trying to fetch the current request from the RequestStack. Obviously there is none in Console and the code breaks down. I made a...
Hey, Some translations that come from the CDN (eg. Dutch) give access denied. It would be nice if we could add the language file(s) ourselves. Best regards, Stephan
setup: function is missing!!!!!
Hello, my browser send me this information : 'KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier' is deprecated and will be removed in M54, around October 2016. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5316065118650368 for more details. I'am using the 1.0 version...
Hello, This bundle is really a great bundle and very easy to understand and configure. It's a great works. Anyway, it appear that there is more options for tinymce and...
With using this external pluging [FileManager4TinyMCE](https://github.com/2b3ez/FileManager4TinyMCE) I get in my navigator console `TypeError: u.indexOf is not a function ...o&&(u=o.prefix+o.resource+o.suffix),0!==u.indexOf("/")&&-1==u.indexOf("://")&&(u... tinymce.min.js (ligne 4, col. 4210)` My configuration file stfalcon_tinymce: include_jquery: false...