TinymceBundle copied to clipboard
more init options
This bundle is really a great bundle and very easy to understand and configure. It's a great works.
Anyway, it appear that there is more options for tinymce and they can't be configured trough the config.yml (since this bundle does not implement them).
I need to configure relative_urls
and remove_script_host
Is there an option somewhere to do this ? (config.yml ? callback js ? something ?)
It would be great if we had a callback option to override the init parameters just before initializing tinymce.
Anyway, this bundle is one of my favorite, so great job !
@mbarbey Hello.
As i remember, you can pas additional parameters as argument to {{ tinymce_init() }}
in Twig, something like that:
{{ tinymce_init({
theme: {'simple':{'language': app.request.locale, 'height': 500 }},
toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image",
autosave_ask_before_unload: false,
asset_package_name: 'backend'})
@LogansUA Hello,
That what I did first, but it appear that the JS function initTinyMCE
parse the options and only use the hardcoded properties.
That why I said that it would be great to have something to add properties even if they are not defined in the bundle configuration.
@mbarbey Well, ok. Maybe you have some ideas and time to implement it in this bundle?
If so, than please, make it as a feature and send PR to 1.x and 2.x branches, and i'll check it :smile:
This problematic has been fixed in the gibilogic fork. We can maybe think about a merge of this too repos ?
@LogansUA :+1: for cherrypicking changes from gibilogic fork and merge in official