Stefano Zambon
Stefano Zambon
This happened suddenly when reverting back to a 32bit toolchain. Investigating the problem with GDB + traps for floating-point exceptions, it seems that the State Variable Filter blows up. The...
See also my comment in this thread: for an example implementation.
An alternative could be to modify advertisement in Mgmt.cpp, which uses the mgmt-api. See an example implementation in this thread:
HI @digi-chris , the plugin names should be unique. Try to rename `"passthrough"` to e.g. `"passthrough_1"`
HI @falkTX , I replied in a similar way to your other issue in the repository. Sorry about this, we needed to announce at least two weeks before the release...
Hi guys, boards will be shipping next week and at the same time we will start populating the repositories here, so when people will receive the boards will have everything....
So, we have been slowly but steadily adding repositories during the past weeks, now everything is here. We always tried to give priorities to source code that people requested for...
Hi Felipe, nice to see you here. Today we just released some docs & SDK but the real release will happen at the ADC conference in around two weeks from...
Check: and feel free to close the issue once you verified the full Yocto configuration source code. The Bitbake layers & other Yocto config files are actually released under...
Hi @sub26nico, this repo is barely a mirror of the original MDA plugs (we only adapted the build system). Have you tried the versions included in the Steinberg's VST3 SDK?...