Stephen J. Collings
Stephen J. Collings
For anybody hitting this issue: you can patch to be something like ```typescript return fileOrDirPath.replace('/node_modules/vs/', '/vs/'); ```
Thanks again for your massive efforts. v6 is a banger!
If helpful, it's possible to receive unhandled rejections in RN like this Regardless, as suggested above I would think the core preview API should only expose the handlers then...
@dannyhw > is this with the server running? Yes, sorry, this is only with the server running. I thought when I raised it that it was both with and without...
From my perspective, the first 2 are equal. Server-level configuration is less good - it's possible that there are teams in our org replying on the current behaviour although I'm...
Sorry I should have been clearer. I'm referring to end-to-end tests of an RN app (in our case with wdio/cucumber) and linking the test run in DD with the RUM...
Thanks for your time, will do
Thanks @louiszawadzki, appreciated. We have indeed implemented a handler for JS side as you suggest. Seems to work well but fyi, found that we needed to add a short timeout...