
Results 7 issues of stevevaius2015

I tried to replicate the example.ipny to test your work but encounter this error on Google Colab Notebook. > ImportError: cannot import name 'DispatcherMiddleware' from 'werkzeug.wsgi' How can I solve...

I can not run Colab notebook to test it. I received following error on `from whisperplus import SpeechToTextPipeline, download_and_convert_to_mp3` section `ImportError: cannot import name 'download_and_convert_to_mp3' from 'whisperplus' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/whisperplus/`


Is there any way to select language of the source file to transcribe and set some parameters if available? Now its accepting file language as English as default which is...

I could not run it on Colab after many tries. Throw out error first no "videos_meta" variable defined and after changing it to "meta" then throws out another error as...

**Which OS are you using?** - OS: Windows 10 -Error received when local mp3 and wav files added input to transcribe Error message on CMD `ValueError: An event handler (transcribe_file)...


I installed wscribe via `pip install wscribe` and downloaded models into some directory in "D" drive. I also git clone the repository again in a folder inside "D" drive. But...

After I added quantized models into audiomanager.tsx and tried to use in chrome but received following error. Is there any way to fix this? I would like to improve accuracy,...