Steven W. Riggins
Steven W. Riggins
Is there a better shorthand to save a constraint other than [view als_addConstraints:@{...}][0] and making sure we only pass in enough info for one constraint? I noticed that if you...
Using 1.9.0 (17) on Ventura 13.1 (22C65) I am getting the following error trying to install 14.2 ``` The operation couldn't be completed. (ProcessExecutionError(process: , standardOutput: "", standardError: "")) ```
Forgive me for my lack of cache knowledge. I was code reviewing SDURLCache.m the other day and was puzzled by line 189 in the "Expires" logic block. In this method,...
## Environment: - OS: VisionOS 1.1 - IceCubesApp version: 1.10.33 ## Description Unlike macOS and iOS, Ice Cubes on Vision OS hitches a lot while scrolling the timeline. I have...
## Environment: - OS: VisionOS 1.1b1 - IceCubesApp version: 1.10.30 ## Description If I launch Ice Cubes, then open an image in a new window, then close the main window,...