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Since the torchdiffeq has updated recently, the torch has to update to >1.3. Otherwise, the old torch does not have promote_types function. When I updated the torch, I got the error "AssertionError: If using tupled rtol it must have the same length as the tuple y0 "?
Can you check the code and solve this issue? Thanks.
This was one of many issues I had getting this to run. I was able to solve this problem by installing old versions of many packages in my pointflow environment.
conda install pytorch==1.0.1 torchvision==0.2.2 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
conda install matplotlib tqdm scikit-learn -y pip install pillow==5.0.0 pip install scipy==1.0.1 pip install numpy==1.16.4 pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 pip install tensorboardX==1.7 pip install torchdiffeq==0.0.1
This was as of about 1 month ago, I'm not sure what if anything else has changed, nor do I know if there is a more efficient or better way to solve the problem. To be clear: I'm not involved in the pointflow project at all, I just used the model architecture in a personal project for a DS bootcamp.
I was not able to run this too. Probably a version issue as mentioned above. What I found so far: Pytorch has to be > 1.3 for the torch.promote_types to work but then the rtol assertion fail happened. Rolling back to torchdiffeq 0.0.1 with pytorch 1.0.1 solved it for me. There were also issues with running the demo with open3d.
@stevenygd Can you provide a requirements list ?
@sitzikbs What's the error for the open3d?
@stevenygd open3d has no attribute geometry. I installed open3d 0.9.0 and it seems to have solved it