Steven G. Johnson

Results 172 issues of Steven G. Johnson

If I load something like vispy or Matplotlib's new nbagg backend, which displays in IPython using IPython's interactive-widget API, it would be good to have it work in Julia as...


Since `std::complex` can be losslessly converted to/from `Complex{T}` for typical bitstypes `T`, it seems like these conversions should be automatic in Cxx.jl? I was thinking of submitting a PR for...


I notice that you have some try/catch machinations for parsing foreign version numbers via `VersionNumber(string)`. You might try `vparse` from instead.

I just noticed that `export_wisdom` etcetera are not documented. Also, these implementations are kind of old … it would be good to update them to support e.g. exporting to a...


Currently, your API does not allow the title of the file dialog to be specified. It seems straightforward to support this, because all of the underlying platform APIs provide an...

It would be nice to provide a `knots(interpolation)` function that returned an iterator over the knot locations, since for a variety of purposed (e.g. numerical integration) it is useful to...


Now that 0.7 has reverse iteration (, it would be nice to support that in the IterTools iterators where it makes sense: * define `Iterators.reverse(itr::SomeIterType)` in cases where the reverse...

After JuliaLang/julia#19449, soon to be merged for Julia 0.6, you will no longer be able to access the raw bytes of a string via ``; instead, do `Vector{UInt8}(string)`. For example,...

As discussed [on discourse](, you can do much better than `StatsBase.sample!` for sampling ranges without replacement if you are only drawing a small number of samples. In particular, the following...

PyCall 1.90.0 is now released, which change `o[:foo]` and `o["foo"]` to `` and `o."foo"`, respectively, for python objects `o`; see also JuliaPy/PyCall.jl#629. The old `getindex` methods still work but are...