Steven G. Johnson

Results 769 comments of Steven G. Johnson

Note that the priority of my implementation is more about accuracy and generality than performance, though the performance of the code now in Romberg.jl isn't too bad (but still a...

> I wrote this package to explicitly address the case where you have presampled data and can't cheaply re-evaluate it at different points. Even in that case, obtaining the data...

I like Proposal A, `(sin, cos).(A)`, especially because it requires no modifications to the Julia language, and in fact it could be fully implemented in an external package ("TupleCast"?).

I'm not convinced you need a "syntax" (i.e. language changes) for this. For example, `unzip(sincos).(x)` can work *today* with appropriate library support (`unzip(f)` would return a special functor object with...

Although pairwise summation could in principle be used for arbitrary iterators, it requires a completely different implementation than the one we have for `sum(::Array)` (which requires random access). (Removing the...

Note that if this is merged, using an underscore as an rvalue should probably become an error (currently it is deprecated). As an lvalue, it is fine — we can...

I agree that we don't want to rush new features like this, but I feel like this idea has been bouncing around for a long time (since 2015), the reception...

(I guess technically this is *partial function application*, not currying. Note that Scala does something [very similar with underscores](, and it allows multiple underscores. In a some circumstances Scala apparently...

@yurivish, using `_` as an rvalue is already deprecated. So this should be backward-compatible with non-deprecated code.

Scala's rule for "tightness" is (*Scala Language Specification*, [version 2.11, section 6.23.1]( > An expression e of syntactic category Expr binds an underscore section u, if the following two conditions...