
Results 11 comments of stevendevit

It crashes even if there is no annotation. Only happens when debugging an overrided View method. When debugging a Presenter method it doesn't crash. Any idea?

> @stevendevit good job with the youtube background trick, I would to ask you another question. I would to improve the keyboard/voice input to avoid to be as on picture...

Hi sir @AndreyPavlenko I also want to know where is the code to play the audio in background located. I want so bad to be able to see Maps and...

> > Hi sir @AndreyPavlenko I also want to know where is the code to play the audio in background located. I want so bad to be able to see...

> @stevendevit good to know, when I will finish to fix my pc I cans try this. But if you manual put "onpause" then it start play again if you...

> > > @stevendevit good to know, when I will finish to fix my pc I cans try this. But if you manual put "onpause" then it start play again...

> @stevendevit I'm on a Xiaomi mi 10 with Android 11 (MIUI) and if I play a YouTube video and go home it stop, but on notification bar count go...

> @stevendevit ok found the problem, practically if the video is play on full screen or with the black background mode (I don't know how is called when have video...

> @stevendevit ok found the problem, practically if the video is play on full screen or with the black background mode (I don't know how is called when have video...

> @stevendevit on android auto emulator work correclty. Probably need smal adjustament and then can be implemented from @AndreyPavlenko because this is a really intersting feature and actually this new...