gcc 12.1 is not broken on mingw64 that is an old post the date is in 2020. Reported: 2011-05-15 15:24 UTC by vanboxem.ruben modified; 2020-10-13 23:17 UTC I successfully compiled...
Have you also passed the option to the linker with "-Wl,-flto". lto is a linker plugin.
Which environment are you compiling the code in ? I am only asking because the msys version of /usr/include/locale.h does not contain the "___lc_codepage_func(void);" definition but the /mingw64/include/locale.h does.
It is an issue in tcl itself or the srcipts in the tcl library directory. The "[stty -echo]" calls the "stty -echo" command in the shell. if you type "stty...
add a -no-pie to the options of the gcc command.
I am sure that all the C compilers implement ansi and therefore implement the bool type.
The website is a brief account of what is happening with the github repo. A lot of the tech websites including wired have written articles on this. The hack...
He has got a big job to repatch to fix the real bugs starting from the commit on 12 July 2022.