Steve Mao

Results 203 comments of Steve Mao

or maybe `cz-adapter-angular`

It has nothing todo with `conventional-changelog`. It's an adapter for the angular convention. The naming convention for adapter names could be `cz-adapter-[project]`

@jimthedev We are promoting `standard-version` and `standard-changelog`, basically they are based on angular conventions. (`standard-version` is a drop-in replacement of `npm-version` but it's another story)Those `standard-bla` might diverge from the...

For checking URLs in a project (code and documentation). The action aims at detecting and reporting broken links.

minifier will only change variable names, not object field name. Can you supply any example when it fails?

I may have miss understood your problem. What exactly is the problem? Stating details of what's expected and what's reality should help.

CoffeeScript should probably be replaced by babel?

:+1: for an option