Steve Mao

Results 202 comments of Steve Mao

Please try also

Thanks for the PR!

> * Caching is not straightforward, because method is defined on prototype chain and we should not shadow instance level method, which may potentially happen, i.e. we have class hierarchy...

bind classes is a bad idea anyway... As long as it doesn't impact methods thats fine.

Hi @betalb , could you please add the caveats of new behaviours in README? And then we'll merge this :)

As long as docs is added I'll merge this.

Can you try and see if it fixes your problem?

Is it a typescript issue? If so I don't use it so help is needed. In essence, we should always do `import { boundMethod } from "autobind-decorator";`, keeping the other...

I think (I might not be correct since I don't use typescript) the problem is since `boundMethod` is the recommended way, it should be the default export. Well it's just...