Steven Luscher

Results 94 issues of Steven Luscher

_I don't know if this is the right place to do this. The [TM2 bundle repository]( doesn't have an issue tracker attached to it._ From Bartłomiej Kubiak on the [Textmate...

On MacOS X (El Capitan) I tested that the following works: ``` pyenv install 2.7 pyenv local 2.7 pip install -r requirements.txt python ./ export # works python ./ /path/to/素晴らしい音楽.csv...

See preferences in 5471125. Includes and depends on #46.

## Current Behavior `lerna bootstrap` only installs dependencies for packages with a version number. Despite that, `lerna run build` tries to _build_ every package. For packages that haven't had their...

type: bug

# Overview This is the ed25519 library that we use to: * generate keypairs * sign and verify messages Properties: * No dependencies * Audited * 10.5K gzipped * side...

What do you want to see accomplished in @solana/web3.js in the month of August 2022? Milestone:

Importing @solana/web3.js in React Native throws the following error. ``` error: Error: While trying to resolve module `superstruct` from file `/Users/sluscher/mobile-wallet-adapter/js/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/lib/index.browser.cjs.js`, the package `/Users/sluscher/mobile-wallet-adapter/js/node_modules/superstruct/package.json` was successfully found. However, this package...


Fixes #1085. Read more about the problem statement there. #### Summary of changes: * Tests now run against the raw Typescript source. This was necessary because Mocha is awful and...

Consider the list of features page: Whose source is here: The problem is that, if a feature's docstring contains line breaks, the full description doesn't get included into...