aerial.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aerial.nvim copied to clipboard

Neovim plugin for a code outline window

Results 40 aerial.nvim issues
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If buffer in focus is changed by using comands like :bnext or :bprevious, there is a moment when Aerial starts to get unsynchronized with active buffer. **System information** - OS:...


Let's imagine a layout with 4 buffers as follows: ![image]( What I'm trying to achieve, is to automatically open an Aerial window when switching to one of those 4 buffers,...

**System information** - OS: GNU/Linux - Neovim version: 0.7.2 **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open two or more windows of the same buffer When not floating, aerial opens either to the...


It seems we must load aerial in my lsp-config's on_attach function, i want to load aerial when i exec "AerialToggle", is there any ways can reach this? ( i thought...


function can provide parameter . In my case , several constructor functions appear in same file. If outline can provider parameter information, it can make more easier to choose right...


This is a great plugin. Thank you for developing this! It would be nice to have a customisable `open_behavior` when setting `open_automatic` (to either a custom function or the standard...


**Description** Let's say that the aerial window is open that displays the symbols tree for the current buffer. Now, let's open a new vertical split, and the cursor is now...


**Description** Let's say we have two files opened in vertical splits. If we open the symbols outline with any suitable `:Aerialxxx` command (or keymapping), that window gets squished up (i.e....


I think that other than LSP it would be great to integrate results from tag files, such as `Tagbar` or `vista.vim`.


**Describe the bug** If I try and toggle the Aerial window in a non-supported buffer (blank or otherwise), my binding (`tb`) won't work for the rest of the session. **System...
