Thank you for the reply! No its longer. I just wanted to test if the program is working before I start to use it for my lost account. But for...
Unfortunately I not knew any other program. I will try it with these programs. Thanks for the info!
Do you know how to extraxt the hash from the blockchain wallet file? (wallet.aes.json)
I tried it with now. ( wallet.aes.json --json ) The script puts out 3129 characters. It starts with "$blockchain$v2$5000$1552$000000000000000000000000000000006bc714db7045365f5fada9f0e5c9....more characters....ends with ....1725c831f04849163fccccc07fc7f826c269afad The filename in the beginning I...
Unfortunately I don't have much experience in that. I mean I use that what created from the wallet-file. I think this should be the blockchain hash?
Thank you! I had to add "--json" because the program wrote back "My Wallet Version 2 or 3 seems to be used, adding --json option is required!" So I did:...
Thank you very much in any case!!! hmm the wallets were created in 2015 I think. I downloaded both wallets (one I have access, one is lost) with the
to update my status here. I created a new wallet at blockchain, downloaded it with the script and btcrecover worked fine with it. new wallet: {"pbkdf2_iterations":5000,"version":3,"payload":"9UUQh+nj6b7XVblablabla lost wallet: {"pbkdf2_iterations":5000,"version":3,"payload":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGvHFNtwRTblablabla old...
hmm. is there any other way to download a wallet from blockchain ? The "" has problems with one of my wallets. Because the header with ""pbkdf2_iterations":5000,"version":3," is missing. It...
I have the feeling there is some bug in the download script. I have one blockchain wallet (from 2015) with a known password (I can login) but after downloading it...