Stephan Hilb
Stephan Hilb
fontconfig does differentiate monospace fonts, try `fc-list :mono`. fontconfig is actually very feature-complete and the de-facto standard for font rendering on linux. trying to reimplement it with custom configs instead...
@kchibisov my bad and thank you for clearing up my mixup about fontconfig/freetype. On my machine `fc-list :mono` does list DejaVu Sans Mono though. If some font categorization is wrong...
> `AbstractFill` does not subtype `StridedArray` Note that `StridedArray` is not an abstract type that you can subtype from but a union, see also JuliaLang/julia#2345.
I agree that `foo(i+j for j in 1:5)` cannot be turned into a nested loop without introspection into `foo`, but there are a bunch of `foldl`-type reduction functions, so any...
Yes, for `mapreduce` it would be a good fit, `mapfoldl`/`mapfoldr` on the other hand make promises about reduction order, so there one should probably be careful.
> Then they have to delete the existing tag. In general (non-julia) one creates a patch-release to fix the previous broken release. From the point of Registrator.jl this will look...
The removal of trailing semicolons can actually break code. Minimal example: ```julia julia> code = raw":($([]...);)" ":(\$([]...);)" julia> code |> Meta.parse |> eval quote end julia> format_text(code) |> Meta.parse |>...
It is a bit regrettable that we now have a different `_sort` api than Base, but I have no quick idea around it. It looks good to me.
Are you searching for `mapslices`? ```julia k = @kernel w -> w[1, 0] - w[0, 1] img = rand(3, 10, 10) mapslices(x -> map(k, x), img; dims = (2, 3))...
You could just write a three-dimensional kernel (expanding from my previous example): ```julia k = @kernel w -> w[0, 1, 0] - w[0, 0, 1] ``` There is currently no...