StaticKernels.jl copied to clipboard
Add an Option to Broadcast Along the 3rd Dimension
In many cases one want to apply the kernel to a multi channels matrix (RGB Image). Is there a way to do so with a single kernel to work on each channel?
Are you searching for mapslices
k = @kernel w -> w[1, 0] - w[0, 1]
img = rand(3, 10, 10)
mapslices(x -> map(k, x), img; dims = (2, 3))
It might not be optimal on performance however.
Well, currently what I do is looping over the 3rd dimension of a pre allocated area. I'm after a non allocating solution beside the explicit loop.
You could just write a three-dimensional kernel (expanding from my previous example):
k = @kernel w -> w[0, 1, 0] - w[0, 0, 1]
There is currently no way to "lift" a kernel to a higher dimension. I'm open to contributions however.
I mean I'm doing something like:
for ii in 1:3
@views map!(mK, mO[:, :, ii], extend(mI[:, :, ii], StaticKernels.ExtensionReplicate()));
It still allocates few KB's, but works good. By the way, any way to completely avoid any allocation?
You can rewrite your kernel mK
according to my previous example.
Also I cannot reproduce your example: the following does not allocate for me on Julia 1.8.3
using BenchmarkTools
using StaticKernels
f!(mO, mK, mI) = begin
for ii in 1:3
@views map!(mK, mO[:, :, ii], extend(mI[:, :, ii], StaticKernels.ExtensionReplicate()));
mK = @kernel w -> w[1, 1] - w[0, 0]
mI = rand(10, 10, 3)
mO = similar(mI)
@btime f!($mO, $mK, $mI)
Indeed, It seems to be a difference since I didn't wrap it as a function but only as a local block using begin
I don't understand what you mean in your previous example.
If you mean k = @kernel w -> w[0, 1, 0] - w[0, 0, 1]
, then if I get it right, it is not what I'm after.
I am after mK = @kernel w -> w[1, 1] - w[0, 0]
per each matrix / channel on itself.
In my point of view, the kernel as defined by mK = @kernel w -> w[1, 1] - w[0, 0]
is a 2D operator, so, by the broadcasting rules, if I apply it on a 3D tensor I expect the broadcasting to basically apply the 2D operator per channel in our image which is represented by 3 channels (3 Matrices stacked on the 3rd dimension).
I understand what you want to do, but you did not apply my example to your setting: If you have the remaining channel as last component it reads: k = @kernel w -> w[1, 1, 0] - w[0, 0, 0]
, i.e. it is a kernel which has size 1 in the third channel, therefore acting like normal broadcast/map
on that channel.