sterretjeToo Allowed data types according to the reference are _int_ and _char_. However, any integral type is allowed (e.g. uint32_t, byte, ...).
Can't find the documentation (reference page) for digitalPinToInterrupt. It's not on and it's not on any of the interrupt related pages like (although it is used there and...
The documentation for the reserve() method states that it does return "nothing". However, the method returns 0 (fail) or 1 (success). `unsigned char String::reserve(unsigned int size) { if (buffer &&... Arduino Uno/Mega/Nano are included in the compatibility list even though they are not compatible with the Keyboard library. ### Additional context #### Additional reports - - -...
Please see where the issue was raised Source code: ```cpp const char index_html[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral( html { font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center; } h2...
### Describe the request IDE 2.0 leaves a lot of directories files behind in (Windows system) `C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Local\Temp`. Request to collect them all in one dedicated Arduino directory. If the cause...
### Describe the problem If one clicks in the Preferences dialog box on a "line" (vertical position) that contains a checkbox, the checkbox toggles. ### To reproduce 1) Open Preferences...
### Describe the problem When opening the preferences dialog box and using the `` key to navigate the fields one can tab past the `` button and ends up in...
When starting a sketch from the IDE or running an exported sketch, it does not always react on keyboard input; sometimes one has to click inside the drawn area. So...
The example requires the [ArduinoGraphics]( library. The library is mentioned /linked in the text but it does not seem to be clear to users that they need to install...