Stephen O'Hair
Stephen O'Hair
I use a keyboard even with the /dev/null 2>&1 trick I still see keypresses. I fixed this by adding stty -echo before calling emulationstation and then enabling it again with...
There is still some work to do definitely. At this point the driver is able to start and stop the PSVR and set it in VR mode when SteamVR loads/unloads...
@OMG-Abaddon just noticed the retention policy on appveyor changed June last year (it now deletes artifacts older than 6 months). I'll deploy them to an AWS S3 bucket rather than...
On second thoughts I'll talk with alatnet about publishing a libpsvr release on its github project so OpenPSVR can reference it via github rather than appveyor or AWS buckets.
I'm suspecting it's due to the number of items being animated. I have 134 items, 30 per page, 6 pages in total. I noticed that animations are only applied to...
I'm using a Nexus 5 to test with. I ended up making some changes to the stop and start for the scanner fragment. It's still not perfect as there are...
I had a similar issue with Trinus + PSVR and PSMoveService using this SteamVR driver (PSMoveSteamVRBridge) and PSMoveFreePieBridge. I did 2 things to fix it. 1. I made sure that...
I thought of that possibility but I think the timeliness of when new information is made available to a connected client (psmovesteamvrbridge) is a separate concern.The driver shouldn't be basing...
This might be useful or at least start some ideas how a test harness in Travis might be set up for Linux: Alternatively a separate mock interface...