Results 187 issues of Stephen Haberman

Basic idea: * In `joist-codegen.json` add a `lazy: true` to a given column (primitive only?) * Generate the column as `someBigColumn: LazyColumn` * Can be access via `await author.someBigColumn.load()` *...

hack day

Currently `joist-graphql`s integration, i.e. `entityResolver`, does not bother to do GraphQL look aheads. E.g. when doing `query { author { books { bookReviews } } }`, the code that loads...

seems hard

Currently a populate hint like: ``` const a1 = await em.find(Author, { id: "a:1" }, { books: "bookReviews" } ) ``` Issues three SQL queries: ``` SELECT * FROM author...


This is kind of an implementation detail, but currently our `Loaded` type looks like: ``` export type Loaded = T & { [K in keyof T]: H extends NestedLoadHint ?...

Currently we have the following hooks: * beforeDelete * beforeFlush * beforeCreate * beforeUpdate * afterValidation * afterCommit With a few thoughts: * We copied the "before" / "after" terminology...

Instead of: ```typescript (await ptm.load((ptm) => ptm.project.stages.projectItems)) .filter((pi) => pi.isSelection) .map((pi) => pi.collaboration.load()), ); ``` Be able to express this as: ```typescript await ptm.load((ptm) => ptm.project.stages.projectItems(pi => pi.isSelection).collaboration); ``` Or...

I.e. ```typescript const author = await em.load(Author, "a:1", "...8:00am..."); // Maybe too cute const author = await em.load(Author, "a:[email protected]:00am..."); ```

* Automatically at `deleted_at: null` to any `em.find`s that don't otherwise include it * Disconnect soft-deleted entities from any other _not_ (?) soft-deleted entity

I.e. support for NoSQL and support for esoteric/legacy schemas.