Results 187 issues of Stephen Haberman

We originally chose Tachyons abbreviations, but there's no reason truss couldn't provide either Tachyons-ish or Tailwinds-ish abbreviations. (It's unlikely that, within Homebound, we'd switch to Tailwinds-style abbreviations, but net-new users...

Maybe `hasPropertyThrough(...)` so that we can use them in `em.find`

In theory if we did: * Load row 1 from the database with `date=2020-01-01` * Postgres sends over all types as strings * We could delay/skip parsing the "2020-01-01" string...

That outputs the `type` params in the same imports--which I guess is better?

* Add a `state: pending | flushed` to `JoinRow` so that it can wait and be reset until after `afterCommit` (similar to the `InstanceData.#new` field) * Make `touchOnChange` work for...

Currently lifecycle hooks like `beforeFlush` are very opaque to Joist; it has no idea what they read (outside the optional populate hint) nor what they write. Also they only run...

We should separate: * "sync defaults" that are set immediately on em.create, from * "async defaults" that only run on em.flush We should allow a sync default that can read...

We've had 1 major bug plus the occasional "found before production but still surprises engineers" coming from `em.find` auto-pruning conditions that accidentally?surprisingly end up as `undefined`, i.e.: ``` const approvers...

### 🤷 Motivation We have types like JS `Date` or an internal `LocalDate` (only calendar dates, no times) that we want to encode/decode to JSON (or a string, like in...