Stephen Afam-Osemene

Results 20 issues of Stephen Afam-Osemene

How do I set the autocorrect and autocapitalize options of the underlying codemirror instance. I can see from [this]( that it is already supported by codemirror, but I cannot see...


Since the expiration time is set whenever the state is updated, it is possible for the result of a group or chord to expire *before* the sub-tasks complete (especially in...

## Summary When events are captured by sentry, I would like a way to also log these events. ## Motivation It is very useful when working locally, because it's inconvenient...

Type: Feature

## Short description of the problem Magit crashes if a file has `$` in its name ## Steps to reproduce * Create or edit a file that has a `$`...

It looks like there is no event for the confirm module. I think it would make sense to add one.

I believe the expected behavior is that if a logged in user visits the login page, they will be redirected to `AuthLoginOK`. I am setting up a project and this...

Are there plans of allowing 2FA via email? Or can the 2FA-SMS module be modified to be more generic? That way, someone can decide to send the code through SMS,...

I can see that the project is rather easy to understand and use. Coupled with the examples, one can understand how to implement this project. However, I think it would...

help wanted

Is it possible to change the delimiter used for italics to `_` instead of `*`? While both are allowed by the spec, I find using `_` personally more comfortable. Is...