Hello @lehoangnam97 Thank for your great module :muscle: I was wondering if the `enableSwip` props was available ? This is usually a rather popular feature. If it's not present, maybe...
Hi community, Hello community , When I execute " dploy prod" and I push " Y " to "Yes" , I see only one uploaded file on the server. Dploy...
Hi mhaagens, I would like use your solution for the transition of my roads on a React application :) I've try to add your config on my App (this same...
Some refactor and perf optimization
Hi guys, Do you know how i can add the folder on my gruntfile.js ? ``` generate_configs --target=grunt --type=js ``` I've my grunt folder with my js file, but no...
Hi guys, After installing grunt-notify on my project and Growl for Windows (7), i don't have notification if i start any task. A part of my gruntfile : ``` notify:...
Hi community, Do you know if grunt-notify is worked on Windows 10 ? I've not notif with this config : ``` module.exports = { sass: { options: { title: '"Sass"',...
Hi mate :) I've test reflexie on IE9, but i've no result. JS file has been load. Maybe i've forgotten something? A particular procedure ? reflexie.js is after my app.js...
Yop, I would like add your module on my Meteor App, but /sitemap.xml return this error : ``` TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined at imports/startup/server/sitemaps.js:10:17 at packages/gadicohen_sitemaps.js:120:15 ```...