Stéphane Monnot
Stéphane Monnot
Have you included the service provider inside config/app.php. ```php 'providers' => [ ... Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider::class, ... ]; ```
I made a pull request to add auto discovery 1 hour ago ([Auto discovery PR]( I think @hootlex will review soon. if you want to check if a package is...
Have you defined your groups in your config file ?
Could you provide some tests ? And rebase your branch with the master branch ? Maybe rename the method getPendingFriendshipsCount or getPendingFriendRequestsCount. @hootlex, what you think about it ?
Yes, but maybe rename `getSOMEfriendships` to `getSOMEfriendRequests`.
@hootlex Could you valid the roadmap ("new method" checklist above) for deprecated notes and answer the "only 1 way" questions please ?
Yes, but I'm a little confused about friendships and friends.
I have to implement new methods because we can't mark methods as deprecated without alternatives. I will try to finish this week.
@hootlex Could you work on this PR and : - Implement new renamed methods - Add details on deprecated messages (You should use XXXX instead) I can work a little...
I have a question, method `getBlockedFriendships()` should return all blocked friendships ? hasBlocked and isBlockedBy ? Same question for `getAcceptedFriendships()`