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Energy-consumption scheduling algorithms for smart electrical grids

DR StartComp

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DR StratComp stands for Demand-Response Strategies Comparator. Its purpose is to assess the efficiency of different energy-consumption scheduling algorithms in a smart power grid. This is the code associated with the paper Incentive-based Energy Consumption Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid. I wrote it in 2010 during my internship with Pr George Kesidis at Penn State University.


DR StratComp requires Python 2.4+ with the matplotlib library. Execution goes through the file:

% python

Look at the source code to find the different default scenarii available.

Writing your own test case

Format of the input files is rather loose. First four lines describe (in that order) the values of L, the number of slots, C0 (constant cost) and C1 (overage part of the cost function). Lines should look like this:

L = 3000
nb_slots = 36
C0 = 2.8e-6
C1 = 2.8e-8

Anyway you can add anything you want after you specified the values of the parameters. Hence, the following syntax is allowed (and recommanded):

L = 3000 kW
nb_slots = 36 slots (10 min/slot)
C0 = 2.8e-6 $/kW/s (slope 1 in the BC Hydro model)
C1 = 2.8e-8 $/kW^2/s

Total duration is 6 hours (you can change it in scheduling.Settings.T). Energy units are up to the test file, yet kW should be preferred. Please note that C0 and C1 must use second as "time component" of their units (this has an incidence on the way costs are computed in

Rest of the file describes the jobs. Next line indicates the number P of task "packs". Each of the P following lines describe a pack, and consist in two integers and a floating point number, respectively the number of jobs, their duration (in time slots) and their instant cost (in whatever unit you chose for L), e.g.

1 15 462.24
2 30 132.12
10 10 56.42
10 20 17.51
20 10 19.18