Johan Stenehall
Johan Stenehall
Looks like so really nice cleanups! Nice job. I'll look it over more carefully as soon as I can and merge.
This sounds weird. Is it always the same lamp that times out and then disappears? Am I understanding you correctly that `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-ikea/bin/coap-client-darwin -u "Client_identity" -k "* PSK *" -e '{}'...
What version of node are you running? It looks like it's the `async` that crashes. That would mean you're running a to old version of node.
Async was introduced in v7 I think. The latest stable release is v8.7.0. While LTS is still on 6.11.4. But since I wanted fancy async/await (it makes for so much...
Sorry for the late reply. Life came between me and coding. I'll try to see if I can fix this. Just so that I get what you're trying to do....