Sam Temlock
Sam Temlock
- Make it explicit to add README when creating the repo - Lots of authentication/access issues, may be useful to streamline this/make some more explicit instructions around setting up remote,...
- Need to double check and confirm instructions work for DataHub (some participants had issues with access errors when trying to push to remote) - Some users did not have...
Need to add a step between steps 7 & 8 to cd back out of the challenge folder before removing it (e.g., cd ..)
- Include some examples that show you can perform commands (e.g,. mv, cp, ls) from a higher level directories by adding in the relative path (e.g., ls solutions/) - 'less'...
- Include instructions on which settings to check when setting up Git token - We may want to stress in the workshop description on the website to the participants to...
1. Build ANN Classifier: We show how to build an ANN using Keras Sequential API, but make no mention of the Functional API for more customized architectures. Might be worthwhile...
1. Introduction: "Handwritten Digits Data Sets" link is broken. Needs to be updated. 2. Training and Testing the ANN classifier": Maybe add some best practice hyperparameters (e.g., Adam solver, ReLU...
1. First cell: As in Notebook 1, instead of using np.random.random to sample and then manually adjusting the range, we could use np.random.uniform instead ==> "np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(4,4))", "np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1,...
1. General: More of a subjective opinion, but maybe reduce the time/number of slides spent on background/history of ANNs. As a workshop, I would personally hope to see more applied...
1. Cell 1: The output of the weights/targets from the first cell is hard to read. Maybe a table that shows a direct comparison of how the model learns for...