* Day: 04 * Exercise: 09 For part 2 we are asked to have only a train set and a test set and to train from scratch **only** the best...
* Day: 04 * Exercise: 08 In the subject, we should use "penalty", but in the examples, it's "penality" In the original sklearn function, it's "penalty" ## Fixed on: -...
* Day: 04 * Exercise: 07 exercice asks to plot 5 curves "Plot the true price and the predicted price obtain via your best model with the different λ values...
* Day: 03 * Exercise: 06 definition of methods • loss_elem_(self, y, yhat) • loss_(self, y, yhat) in examples mylr.predict_(X) should be y_hat = mylr.predict_(X) then print y_hat mylr.loss_(X,Y) should...
* Day: 03 * Exercise: 03 'The purpose of epsilon (eps) is to avoid log(0) errors, it is a very small residual value we add to y. ' should be...